#knollingwithdaisies is designed for people who find physical work a challenge and to promote understanding of the diversity of ability. It illustrates that a garden’s design can impact an individual’s ability to function and flourish in the space.
This is an easily maintained space. The modular walls, made from re-purposed timber, contain storage and display, while the hard landscaping is constructed from reclaimed paving. There is provision to sit, lie, relax and feel restored.
The garden is inspired by the designer’s love of daisies and is influenced by the social media hashtag #knolling (the process of arranging related objects in parallel or 90-degree angles). Many parallel lines and right-angles are included in its borders, walls, paving and planting, which is designed to encourage wildlife and be visually uplifting. Cheerful daisies fill the borders.
Thanks to the following companies for their support: Oaktree Garden Centre, Beliani Furniture, Hotbin Composting, David Austin Roses, Darlac Tools, Micheal Speller and Everedge.
Also kindly sponsored by: Farmyard Nurseries and Scolton Manor Park.
RHS People’s Choice Award
All Show Gardens

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