Herb robert
Herb robert is a hardy annual or biennial wildflower, native to the UK. It is not fussy about soil type, grows in full sun or shade, and is good for pollinators. But, as herb robert readily self-seeds, you may want to limit its spread in your garden.

Quick facts
- Herb robert’s botanical name is Geranium robertianum
- The ‘herb’ part of the common name refers to its historical uses as a medicinal herb
- Buff-tailed, common carder and white-tailed bumblebees are just some of the pollinators that visit herb robert
- The leaves have a distinctive smell, occasionally described as ‘aromatic’
- If you need to control herb robert, non-chemical methods are easy and effective
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What does herb robert look like?
Herb robert can reach a height and spread of 40cm (16in), although it will be much smaller in dry conditions. The finely divided leaves have a lacy, fern-like appearance. Leaves and stems are green but they can turn red in autumn or when growing in dry, exposed conditions. Herb robert flowers throughout spring, summer and autumn; some plants have white flowers but usually they are pinkish-purple, ranging from strong shades to pale tints. Fine hairs cover the flower
Is herb robert a weed?
Herb robert has many benefits to gardens and gardeners. It provides nectar for pollinators and is included on the RHS Wildflowers Plants for Pollinators list.
However, because herb robert can multiply easily by seed and is not fussy about where it grows, its spread might need to be controlled. You may want to remove it from areas where it will compete with seedlings and small plants for moisture, nutrients, space and light, but in tricky growing conditions that would otherwise be bare, it can be left and enjoyed.
Frequently asked questions about controlling herb robert
How invasive is herb robert?
Herb robert has a long flowering season, with individual plants capable of producing many seeds. Ripe seeds are catapulted away from the parent plant, allowing it to spread into new areas. Although numbers may multiply quickly, herb robert, with its shallow, fine root system, is easy to hoe off or pull out.
Do I need to get rid of herb robert?
No – with its profusion of pollinator friendly flowers and lacy leaves that colour to red, many gardeners welcome herb robert as a pretty wildflower. It is also useful to have in parts of the garden where many other plants would struggle to grow, although you might decide to remove it from areas where you want to sow seeds or grow small plants.
What is the easiest way to kill herb robert?
- Hoe off plants – hoe veg patches, beds and borders to remove herb robert before it sets seed. Hoe on a warm, dry or windy day, so exposed roots dry out quickly rather than re-rooting. Hoeing removes weeds with minimal soil disturbance.
- Pull or fork out plants – this may be a good option if herb robert is growing among seedlings and hoeing isn’t a feasible option. Hand pulling is usually easy, but on compacted soil you may need to use a hand fork.
- Smother plants – prevent seeds from germinating and growing by covering the soil in late winter with a mulch of organic matter about 8cm (3in) deep, or a mat of ground cover plants.
Should I use weedkiller?
As herb robert is easy to control by hoeing and pulling out, there is no need to use a weedkiller.For more information, see our page on Weeds: non-chemical controls.
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