Eucalyptus sucker
Eucalyptus is often host to eucalyptus sucker. Any leaf damage caused is not usually serious and this insect should be tolerated.
Quick facts
Scientific name: Ctenarytaina eucalypti
Plants affected: Eucalyptus
Main symptoms: Insects on the shoots and sticky honeydew
Most active: Spring and summer
What is eucalyptus sucker?
The psyllids or plant suckers are a group of
This Australian insect became established in Britain during the 1920s and is now of widespread occurrence in the UK on Eucalyptus species.
- This sucker does not affect the growth or vigour of plants and so should be tolerated
- Encouraging predators and other natural enemies of suckers such as birds, ladybirds, wasps and ground beetles can help keep numbers to acceptable levels
See also...
British bugs information on eucalyptus sucker
RHS statement on pesticides in horticulture
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