Specialist alliums
Specialist alliums are best grown either in a sunny rock garden or in containers.
Specialist alliums are daintier in appearance than the more robust border types and often have looser flower clusters.
These plants appreciate hot, dry conditions. They are happiest in free-draining soil in sun or in pots of gritty compost that can be sheltered from very wet weather.
Specialist alliums dislike wet growing conditions both in winter and summer. They will not flower in shade.
Did you know?
The starry purple flowers of Allium schubertii are held on stalks within the flower of unequal length.
Growing guide

How to grow alliums
All the information you’ll need to grow & care for alliums in your garden.
Specialist alliums we recommend
Useful advice

Growing plants in containers

Rock gardening
Rock gardens: plants

Scree gardening
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