Shrubby honeysuckle
Botanical name: Lonicera
Shrubby honeysuckles (Lonicera) are well suited to a woodland garden, with their sometimes scented flowers, attractive autumn fruit and unkempt habit. Plant early-flowering bulbs under shrubby honeysuckles for a late winter pick-me-up. Evergreen forms are suitable for creating low-growing hedges.
Deciduous or evergreen, shrubby honeysuckles can be upright and sprawling or compact and low-growing. Small delicate flowers (often with fine fragrance) are mainly produced in winter or spring, and are generally creamy-white (some are pink, lilac or yellow).
Shrubby honeysuckles will grow in most soil types but ideally they prefer free draining soil, in sun or partial shade.
These shrubs will not thrive on very heavy, waterlogged ground or in soil that is excessively dry. They seldom flower in deep shade.
Did you know?
Low-growing evergreen Lonicera ligustrina var.yunnanensis and Lonicera ligustrina var. pileata (until recently Lonicera nitida) are often used as alternatives to box (Buxus) where box blight is likely to be a problem. Regular clipping will restrict flowering.
Growing guide
How to grow shrubby honeysuckle
All the information you need to grow and care for shrubby honeysuckle in your garden.
Shrubby honeysuckles we recommend
Lonicera standishii f. lancifolia 'Budapest'
lance-flowered Standish's honeysuckle 'Budapest'
- 1.5–2.5 metres
- 1.5–2.5 metres
Lonicera syringantha
lilac-flowered honeysuckle
- 1.5–2.5 metres
- 1.5–2.5 metres
Lonicera × purpusii 'Winter Beauty'
honeysuckle 'Winter Beauty'
- 1.5–2.5 metres
- 1.5–2.5 metres
Lonicera standishii f. lancifolia 'Budapest'
lance-flowered Standish's honeysuckle 'Budapest'
- 1.5–2.5 metres
- 1.5–2.5 metres
Lonicera syringantha
lilac-flowered honeysuckle
- 1.5–2.5 metres
- 1.5–2.5 metres
Lonicera × purpusii 'Winter Beauty'
honeysuckle 'Winter Beauty'
- 1.5–2.5 metres
- 1.5–2.5 metres
Useful advice
Aphid predators
Powdery mildews
Shrubs: pruning early-flowering
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