Just before pressing ‘Share’, be sure to click on ‘Projects’ (scroll down to bottom in the app). This should bring up a list of projects you have joined. Tap on the slider for Bumbles on Blooms so it shows green.
You will then be asked for three additional pieces of information – the name of the flower the bumblebee was visiting, the primary flower colour, and how urban or rural you would describe the site where you took the photos. You can use the common name or the botanical name for the flower. You can also use iNaturalist to record and identify the flower, or another plant identification app. If you still don’t know, or can’t find a name for the flower, just leave this blank.
IMPORTANT – if you don’t choose the ‘Bumbles on Blooms’ project before submitting your observation, it won’t be shared with us and we can’t use your data in our study!